A Structure is a Structure is a Structure…

The office of Doron Shalev Eng. LTD. Offers a multi-disciplinary specialties in several fields of Civil engineering, Aeronautical engineering and mechanical response analyses of any type.
The engineering services consist of stress analyses, dynamical analyses, finite elements, aeroelasticity, composite materials and more.
The company was established in 1992 by Dr. Doron Shalev. Dr. Shalev graduated a B.Sc. and M.Sc degrees in Civil Engineering in the Technion, Haifa and a Ph.D. degree in Applied Mechanics in Virginia Tech, USA.
Dr. Shalev started practicing engineering design in 1977. He is a member of several specialist committees of Israeli Standards, chairing some of them in the issues of earthquake loading, wind loading, dynamical loading etc.
The office designs many projects for masonry, public and commercial etc., in Israel and worldwide.
In addition the office provides analytical services in the field of mechanical response in Aeronautical engineering and covers all types of structures in industrial equipment.
Currently the office employs 17 professionals that are responsible for the high quality and best results assurance starting from the definition of an engineering problem till the final relevant result.